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  Kwan & Riam [ VCD ]  

Kwan & Riam [ VCD ]  

Thai movie : Kwan & Riam - ขวัญ & เรียม. Starring Tong Pukkaramai, Nintanard Sinchai. (Re-listing)

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Product Descriptions


Kwan & Riam
ขวัญ & เรียม

Year : 2001

Starring : Tong Pukkaramai, Nintanard Sinchai
[ นินนาท สินไชย - ตอง ภัครมัย โปตระนันท์ - นลธวัส พรมจินดา - ปราปต์ปฏล สุวรรณบาง ]

2 VCDs
Sound : Thai

** VCDs are playable with DVD and VCD players (world wide)

Story :

The year is 1939. Bangkok is on the brim of a great change. But in Bankapi, a suburb on the banks of San Saeb canal, time almost stands still for young lovers Kwan and Riam. Though their fathers are enemies, the two manage to win over some obstacles, big and small, until the real thing shows its face.

When he falls into debt, Riam's father sells his daughter to Madame Thongkham, a wealthy widow in Bangkok. The widow loves Riam because she reminds her of her late daughter and has a plan for Riam to marry her nephew, Somchai.

For almost two years Kwan and Riam live apart. While Riam is exposed to a new life in the city, which is changing for the new itself, Kwan is left to suffer in the tranquil village with the memories of Riam to make it worse.

Later, Riam returns home when her mother dies and she finds herself having to choose between her love for Kwan, who has never forgotten her, and her duty to marry Somchai. But Kwan becomes enraged when he believes that Riam has decided on returning to Bangkok with Somchai. He sets fire to Somchai's boat and heads to the sacred shrine where he and Riam once swore they would live and die together.

For Kwan, life in Bankapi can never be the same without Riam. What he cannot see is that his beloved village itself is subject to change. His last act of love stands for something that's gone but is also, to these days, fondly remembered.


นี่คือเรื่องราวความรักของหญิงชายคู่หนึ่งกับคำมั่นสัญญาที่ยิ่งใหญ่ ความมั่นคงแห่งรักที่อุปสรรคมิอาจขวางกั้น กาลเวลามิอาจพราก


Last updated: March 2, 2018

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